
To communicate original ideas and actionable alerts, each week clients receive

two separate updates, on Tuesday and Thursday.

  • Chart Packet

    A 2-3 page compendium of the most pertinent, moving markets – consistent with the corresponding political trends. Connecting the dots between campaigns, policymaking, and financial markets. These packets traverse across asset classes and make frequent use of ETFs to express market trends and recommended positions.

  • Politics in a Page

    A one-pager weekly write-up directly from Steve Cortes, using his unmatched sources and insider insights to make points that are relevant to markets, but often lie far outside the purview of the media, including even the business press. Like the chart packet, the weekly text report follows up on recommended market positions.

  • Video Call

    For premium members, a once-monthly presentation from Cortes to provide the latest political concepts and outline potential market ramifications, with limited Q&A.

  • One-on-One Call

    For premium members, a once-monthly call catered to the individual client’s specific needs with open Q&A.